Kids’ Valley Garden

Planning Your Garden

When to Plant Preparing Your Garden Plot Preparing Your Garden Rows How to Plant Garden Journal Chores Calendar Soil

Before You Dig:

Ask your parents first if there are any areas where you're not allowed to dig on their property.

Danger sign

Make sure you don't place your garden where there are buried cables, weeping tiles, pipes, or other potentially dangerous obstacles. Refer to a reliable gardening book or seed packets to see how much space each fully grown plant will require. This will help you estimate the space you'll need. Choose a sunny location that has good air circulation and receives adequate rainfall.

Garden planner

Create a garden plan to show the size of your garden and accommodate all the types of plants you want to grow. Don't forget to leave room to walk between the rows and space for your composter. Maintain a Garden Journal to record your gardening activities and their results. Calculate the size of your garden by multiplying the length by the width to find the square footage (or square meters) of your plot. This information will be useful later. Your garden can be any shape, but consider the plants' requirements. Avoid planting too close to large trees or hedges that will shade the growing area and take moisture and nutrients from the soil that your plants need. Place the tallest plants, like sunflowers or corn, along the north side to prevent them from casting shade over the shorter ones.

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