Kids’ Valley Garden

When to Plant

Weather and soil conditions are the two major influences on a garden.

Climate Zones

  • Every country is divided into Climate Zones. It's a map showing areas that have similar growing conditions based on a combination of average temperatures and rainfall.
  • Each zone is influenced by geographical features such as mountains, large or small lakes, forests, prevailing winds, relation to urban areas, and lots of other factors.
  • Your own garden could even be a microclimate within a zone!
  • The plants you choose for your garden should be hardy to your zone or they won't flourish, no matter how fertile the soil is.
  • For example: your home is in Zone 6 Canada, but the garden is protected from the wind by a row of trees and a low fence along the northwest side of your house. Your garden could have a microclimate of Zone 7 Canada. This means you could try to grow some plants that normally wouldn't be hardy to your area.
  • Refer to a good gardening book or contact your local garden center to find out which Climate Zone your area is in. This will help you choose plants that are appropriate for your garden.
  • Seed packets, garden books, and the local nursery will help you choose the flowers, herbs, vegetables, and shrubs that should flourish in your garden.
  • Don't forget to note in your Garden Journal when the weather turned warm enough to start preparing your garden plot for planting.



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