Kids’ Valley Garden

Get Ready For The Show

A Week Before The Show:

  • A checklist will save you time and headaches because this will be a busy time and you need to be organized.
  • Refer to the Show Schedule and check that you will be able to fulfil the Rules and Regulations for each Class you entered. For example: "Calendula entries must have 3 blooms." See if you have at least 3 plants whose flowers match in size and colour.
  • Round up and decorate as many containers you need for your flower arrangements keeping the theme in mind.
  • Vegetables are often shown on paper plates so make sure you have a supply of them for all your entries.
  • Pick up or make your EXHIBIT TAGS early if possible.

The Day Before the Show:

  • Fill in your Exhibit Tags clearly and accurately with your name, membership number, Class and Section for each of your entries.
  • Refer to your checklist and Exhibit Tags to figure out how many flowers and vegetables you need to pick.
  • Pick your flowers mid-morning and immediately start conditioning them.
  • Pick a couple of extra flowers just in case one gets damaged and needs replacing.
  • While your flowers soak, gently dig up your root vegetables so they don't get damaged.
  • Pick and clean the rest of your vegetable entries.
  • Prepare your flower arrangement and store it in a safe, cool place overnight.
  • Prepare an Emergency Kit for the show: extra pen, clipboard, scissors, paring knife, florists' wire and tape, and anything else you think you might need.
  • Run down your checklist to make sure you haven't forgotten anything.

On the Day of the Show:

  • Check the water levels in all your arrangements. Don't leave them too full, or they will be heavy and could spill on the way to the show.
  • Pack your entries carefully for the trip to the show.
  • Refer to your checklist and Exhibit Tags one last time to make sure you have all your entries.
  • Don't forget to take your Show Schedule, your Emergency Kit, and your plant spritzer!
  • Remember your extra conditioned flowers and vegetables in case any get damaged and have to be replaced.
  • Top up your containers at the show and refill any woody plants that have "plugged" stems.
  • If you have to fill in any Exhibit Tags at the show, give yourself plenty of time before the class closes, or your entry may not be judged.
  • Give your plants a last light spritz with the mister and relax.

During the Show:

  • Once you're all ready and your plants are on display, take the time to enjoy the rest of the entries.
  • Talk to the other entrants and swap growing and presentation tips.
  • This is a chance to be proud of your accomplishments, whether you win a ribbon or not.
  • When it's all over, you could do an extra good deed and donate your arrangements to a local hospital or nursing home. They will appreciate your thoughtfulness as your flowers brighten up their environment.



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